5 Sure-Fire Ways to Use SEO to Succeed in Your Online Business in 2022
Updated: Jul 11, 2022
Author: Jenson Ng Soon Leon
Search Engine Optimization (SEO). In layman terms, SEO refers to the ongoing and continuous process of refining your site to ensure that your products and/or services are able to be noticed by people perusing the web, specifically those using search engines such as Google or Bing. This article will not go into in-depth details regarding the mechanisms of how it functions. Instead, we will focus on how any budding entrepreneur can fully utilize SEO marketing in either KL, Selangor or Petaling Jaya (PJ) to succeed in their online businesses.
1. content control
Arguably the most important factor to consider when creating your website is the general content available on said website. As a general rule of thumb, people adore creative, novel and well-written content and this applies to the search engine as well as its main function is to deliver the most promising content to their users. Thus, there are several factors one should consider to ensure your content stands out from the rest of the competition.
a) Readability

Make sure that your audience can clearly view your contents by using clear fonts in the appropriate size
b) Organization

Arrange your content in a logical and easy to read format
c) Novelty

Be creative and daring. Use a unique layout or make one-of-a-kind designs only found on your website
d) Optimization

Keep in mind that people love efficient websites. Thus, design your website around this concept by ascertaining your user’s needs and catering to them

2. Linking it all together
Without links, where would humanity obtain the confirmation, care and relationships we constantly crave for? This applies to your website as well as it has certain needs that should be fulfilled in order to increase its ranking in search results. The most essential tool one can use to fulfill this need is link building. Link building is basically the connection or linking of one website to your own website via, well, links. However there are certain taboos known by SEO experts regarding how one obtain such links. For example, it is widely accepted that quality trumps quantity as it has been shown that websites with higher amounts of links may do well in the short term, however they almost always are outranked sooner or later. Professionals suggest adopting a more patient approach when it comes to link building as it takes time to create beneficial links. There are several online services which provide link building services but for now, I would recommend Veecotech as they have been proven to provide effective and satisfactory SEO marketing service in KL, Selangor or PJ that is not only limited to link building.

3. How. To. Master. Lookups.
Another vital component one must consider is the HTML tags such as HTML titles which encompass the clickable links provided by the search engine and meta description tag, the elaborations found beneath the headlines in the search results, as they pave the way for both the search engines and users to decisively select your website to visit. The HTML title is by far the most important tag to consider as not only do users base their selection on how accurate the title is in relation to being able to solve their query or fulfill their expectations, but the search engine also detects how helpful your website may be in helping their users with their issues or questions and ranks them accordingly.

4. Build A Proper Structure
A proper structure ensures that your webpage will always remain steady and steadfast, come what may. Therefore one can reasonably conclude that by laying out a proper and sturdy structure for your website, it will prevail against all odds and survive the test of time. A solid structure also certifies that your website is easily accessible and easy to navigate. It also pays to be flexible with your structure such as the case with mobile versions of your webpage. Considering the fact that most search results are from users with mobile phones, it certainly necessitates the need for aspiring business owners wishing to take the plunge into the promising online world to create a mobile-friendly web design if they seek to take advantage of this golden age of information technology. A key thing to note is that care should be taken to avoid creating duplicate sites as it may cause inconsistencies with how users and search engines access your site such as directing users to a completely different site.

5. You-sers
The final factor that one must undoubtedly take into account is the user as without users, your website is more or less an useless conglomerate of code. So, factoring in the user, one must consider several things before finalizing your webpage such as the location, locality and intent. For the location, you should consider who is your target audience as users from differing countries will have different results. Place yourselves in the shoes of your target audience and ponder what topics or items would be the most relevant for your customer base and apply them to your site. If you want your location to be even more precise, such as a city, the inclusion of your business address into your site or creating a TripAdvisor account may prove beneficial. Finally, understanding the intent of your users will unmistakably increase visits from users so to accomplish that, try incorporating the various stages on how a customer a customer browses content into your web design such as knowing what type of web design would appeal to prospects in KL, PJ or Selangor and narrowing down on certain keywords.
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