3 Proven ways motion graphics can improve your SEO
Updated: Jul 6, 2022
Authors: Chloe Tan Xin Hui, Ho Jun Yong
Date: 27/6/2022
There are many ways to improve your SEO, and today let us show you a new advanced way to improve your SEO. There are 3 proven ways motion graphics can improve your SEO, first we have to know what motion graphics is and how does it work? The simple explanation is objects, text, and images in motion. You probably have already seen them a thousand times, they are short videos that inform and entertain the viewers, and how is that going to improve your SEO?
1) Create animation videos that are eye-catching
Studies have found that motion graphics are too attractive and tempting; our eyes will always get distracted by relevant images more than text. If you can utilize the advantages that motion graphics provide and pairing it with your information about your product or service, it can will capture a viewer’s full attention and they are most likely to stick with it to the end, hence receiving your message start to finish.

2) Telling stories with motion graphics
Humans love hearing and soaking up a good story; you can add extra seasonings with motion graphics and turn it into an unforgettable story. Videos are a fantastic way to provide information quickly and concisely. In less than 3 minutes, you can cover up everything for your audience about your product or service. Video posts are proven to be more engaging than other post types; audiences can just sit back and watch the video explaining everything to them.

Humans are more likely to remember a video than images, text or audio. HubSpot did research and found out that when people hear information, they are likely to remember only 10% of that information three days later, and on the other hand, pairing it with a relevant image, people retain 65% of the information three days later.
3) Motion graphics benefit your social media and website

Who doesn’t love bright colors and sound effects? Whether you are selling a product or service or introducing a company to the world, the more attraction the better and motion graphics are definitely one of the guaranteed ways to inspire your customers, make them feel special, then they will listen to what you say. First, motion graphics create engagement for customers; it builds trust among your audiences. Second, it can help explain your product and service quickly. Third, it will improve your SEO because they contain keywords that are attracting viewers to click on your links in posts leading back to your website.
Using motion graphics in your social media can help drive more traffic to your website, growing both your social media and website at the same time. It works in both ways; a good social media account can increase traffic to your website, and a good-looking website increases traffic to your social media account, improving overall SEO.
Motion graphics are a digital marketing strategy every company should have in the current digital world. Learn more about how you can make motion graphics for your website through Bold Media today!